Thursday, June 5, 2014

first major goal 30lbs down - 45lbs to go

thanks for all the encouragement, assistance and help

mike's fault for even bringing up the THE IDEA, that people talk about losing "75lbs" that made it a concept even

irene's fault asking probably the most critical question VERY EARLY in the process,
"what am I going to do when I hit my goal?"

At that point I had NOT thought about a goal or what would happen.
Set a goal right there and then, even if I didnt share it. 75lbs. or 190lb
But my answer to Irene was JUST as critical, "I am not on a diet, reaching my goal changes nothing, I have changed my life and eating habits.  I am not on a diet."

And that has made all the difference.

mark's fault for training for an ironman, losing a ton of weight and finishing. FFS, if mark can do this, so can I. (not the race ... LOL)

And lastly, eric and synthia, because they have jumped in feet first and joined me on this trip. So now I have PRESSURE to keep going.

We do this absurd thing with "privacy". We dont want to share our weight, or our health. We get embarrassed that we let things get so bad.

Shouting it out.
Ending the stigma, is the first step to solving the problem!!

Being honest is the only way to begin.
I was OBESE.
I was in excess of 265. 44 inch waist and growing.
Peak Pete was absurd. 

Down 30lbs, 3-4 belt notches, put away the 44s that are WAY too big, had to punch holes in the NEW belt because I ran out of holes.

Bought a new jacket this week, SMALLER size!!

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