Friday, April 3, 2020



It is probably one of my greatest pleasures, recommending a book to a friend, that I think that THEY will love. (NOT my favorites) For the SCIENCE NERDS on the SCIENCE of RECOMMENDING, read Stumbling on Happiness, dan gilbert.
Be warned, it will change your mind.

Nothing warms me more, than when someone says, WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME SOONER?????

Pick your favorite recommendation from me and post it here.
Could be a book or show or movie or song.

you can PM me if you are too embarrassed

You can also remind me of something that YOU introduced me to, that I would NEVER had experienced without you.

I only have a FEW of my own that come to mind.
Terry Green - The Way of Kings - Sanderson
Terry FORCED ME TO READ A BOOK, that I had bought when it came out, and left on the pile to read ... for maybe 5 years. And one day Terry said. STFU, PUT EVERYTHING DOWN, READ THIS NOW.
Terry is the only person I currently trust with this level of recommendation.

Dawn Cassello - my oldest friend. <3 I have know her, since my first class at WY. in 1978. As a transfer student who knew no one, in a class filled with upperclassmen, I was only 1-3 years younger than everyone.
I can only assume that I have Dawn to blame for Xanth, the dragonbone chair. and Amber !!
Her latest recommendation was HBO - Euphoria.
I havent finished it. I ... not sure that I want to. But ... it is close to perfect. so ending it would be sad.
Dawn - I give you, To Reign in Hell. Read the introduction by Zelazny!!!!!
Check your email

My little sister Ann recommended a book, on or about 1992.
It sat on the pile for YEARS, she actually TOOK IT BACK about 1999 to reread, and then GAVE IT BACK TO ME YELLING - READ THIS NOW, YOU WILL LOVE IT.
The book has THE WORST WORST WORST cover of all time. A chick in mail on a horse, being attacked by wolves.
It looked like crappy gothic romance, YAWN.
So, I have only reread it .... 3-4 times now, and the prequels. (some good some bad) the later ones are .... mem ... mixed
But The DEED
The pacing of this book is perfect. Slow slow boom.
Slow slow boom.
Slow when you are learning new things, BOOM when it gets to where it is going.

You can also remind me of something that YOU introduced me to, that I would NEVER had experienced without you.

There is a MAGIC to recommending (ok science). It is NOT about you. It is NOT about your favorite. It is about knowing someone well enough, to think that they would LIKE something.
IT is NOT about your favorite.

9001 people told me that Raiders was the best movie in the universe and I should see it now!!! YOU WILL LOVE IT. BUT, the people recommending it were DIVERSE, and none of them had similar taste, and when I finally saw it, I hated it. It was at best, a 5.

And I have been doing this all my life.
It started with trying to FORCE people to read things that I LIKED.
that never works. Ask poor Ashley Eberhart (my godaughter) I buried her in books. LOL

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