Friday, April 3, 2020

thred jacks are always threadjacks

I have boycotted him ever since his daughter's letter, despite having at the time just bought one of his movies. I found the letter credible. I never watched the film I bought. I will never watch another film of his again. We have a culture that has abused and exploited women and girls and silenced them and celebrated the abusers. We will continue to have such a culture as long as people don't take a stand.
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· Reply · 17m · Edited
Peter Cibulskis
Peter Cibulskis did you read the moses article posted above?
aka, the only older child in the room?
whose testimony ended every criminal investigation?…See More
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· Reply · 11m
Clare Pearson
Clare Pearson Peter Cibulskis There is a lot of mess around this, but I am not convinced. Woody Allen has always raised potential abuser vibes in me. Survivors mess up their recollections, but it doesn't mean abuse didn't happen. Family members can become convinced …See More
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· Reply · 6m · Edited
Peter Cibulskis
Peter Cibulskis that's great. and lies
there is no mess. there is mia farrow.
the victim had implanted memories. …See More
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· Reply · 4m
Clare Pearson
Clare Pearson Peter Cibulskis We don't know what happened to her. But I will respect her voice and give her the benefit of the doubt over him. And in my experience, crazy women don't get that way all on their own. But her mother is not the issue.
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· Reply · 3m · Edited
Peter Cibulskis
Peter Cibulskis The first article and the second article are about a specific case. you changed the topic to talk about generalities, that's nice. but belongs else where. You should have that conversation there.
Go ahead and list a point in the first article ... and why you agree or disagree. Unless your goal is whataboutism
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· Reply · 3m
Clare Pearson
Clare Pearson Peter Cibulskis Nope. This is a general principle for me. We CANNOT ever adjudicate a rape case based on hearsay, & we do not have the right to judge intimate violations in peoples' lives. We have to have enough humility to realize and admit that. We d…See More
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· Reply · 1m · Edited
Peter Cibulskis
Peter Cibulskis you have confused my understand of the general, with posting about the specific. I get it.
thank you for not discusing either article.
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· Reply · 1m
Clare Pearson
Clare Pearson And anything else feels to me dangerously close to mansplaining a victim's experience. Won't go there.
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· Reply · 1m
Clare Pearson
Clare Pearson Peter Cibulskis No, Peter, I am not confused. You are missing my point.

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