Thursday, April 23, 2020

mothballing, check-pointing, thinking out-loud and the luchins trap

this is how to avoid the luchins trap

was literally just talking about THIS ... NOT the specific NA problem, but HOW do groups better share info when they no longer work in an office?
My "thought" was LUNCH, where we sit in hangout while eating lunch together and babble  about the most  recent strange thing that we had to research to solve. 
EVEN if we dont need it today, it gets slotted into strange memory, which we will "sort of remember" later.

FOR EXAMPLE ... something that just BLEW ME AWAY  ... and we should all start doing it regularly.

MothBalling / CheckpointingI had to mothball a project that I have been working on for 9 month/ 50 years.  I had copious hand written notes (hand writing is FASTER than typing and can be done anywhere).
I typed them all into OneNote, Organizing them as I went, which created new thoughts on how to solve the problem better, and more notes.
When I return to the project, it is MUCH better off than yesterday.
In the end, the process was a GIANT luchins thought experiment, forcing me to question every decision that I made from the start.

HOW often have we worked on a project, PLOWING AHEAD TO GET IT DONE, only to whoops, this isnt going to work.
Checkpointing every week or month forces you to collect your thoughts and WRITE THEM DOWN.  The act of doing this forms new pathways, and is insane useful.

HOW many times, has the act of asking the question "hey brian/james, how do I do this" help formulate the question: IF I can not explain the question to you, there is NO WAY that I actually understand the question.  
We see this ALL of the time when trying to formulate a search question on google.

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