Saturday, March 25, 2017

religious war is for stupid people

in the end, linux, apple, windows have been a religious war since day fucking one, with IBM being the clear winner, except the mainframe people always fucked it up ... HAHAHHA

as a staunch atheist, I do my thing on whatever is in front of me
PLATO, TOPS 20, mvs,cms,tso,jes2, exec,rexx, os/2,windows etal, MINIX, some dec alpha nightmare from hell, whatever ...

dont get me started on my first smart phone, or my second ... HAHA HAHAHA
LOVE my iphone ... a) it works, 2) fuck the religious wars ... your answer is always wrong

probably the most awesome thing about having the same jorb for 23 years is that from early on I controlled my own server software and hardware, and dimes for dollars, windows PCs allowed me to have more and work faster, at all times. period.

LOL, good thing we out sourced the hardware and everything cost 100-1000x as much ... really? 100k for new drives? sigh ... no we cant spend that ... hahah hahahaha

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