Wednesday, March 22, 2017

out of the box solutions - invasion

1) Secretly find a social republican.
That can be trusted.
Must be a professional or crazy rich and trusted.

2) have them run for president as a GOP
Have them run from DAY ONE as a centrist
Pro-gun laws (cities can decide what happens on the streets, not in the houses)
Basically DEM light positions

3) get him to win the damn nomination

4) happy with the winner no matter what

Problems with simple solutions in the invasion
Far left?
Eject them - they would rather watch the world burn
Far right?
Vilify them, propaganda them, destroy them is the pro-rape, pro-hate33 group that they are
USE THEIR WEAPONS against them

Things that need "answers"
Without a better argument to change minds, we really have no hope ish.

White paper, w simple one liner talking points, that:
A) acknowledge that they are right about X
B) point out that we are never getting X without first getting in power
C) point out that A B and C are the first steps to get to X
D) propaganda wing to BOMB all of their groups, over and over and over about how awesome this plan is

Second front
More bots to bond their far right side, making them even more insane, pushing them further over the edge. Push push push push

No wait, isnt that how we got trump ??


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