Saturday, March 25, 2017

I bought my last desktop in ??? 2010 ?? HAHAHAH HAHAHAHAHA

so that's the funny thing ... you are 100% correct and yet ... LOL 1) when I got this, it was top of the line or damn close ... so I wouldnt HAVE to replace it a year later 2) I piss my money away on books and movies, rather than upgrading all my electronics every month ... (so glad that I could control that addiction ... hahaha) 3) each time it got CLOSE to having to replace the computer, there were trivial, easy, cheap(er) solutions that totally "fixed" every reason for change ... a) max out the mem! had to wait until this didnt cost a million, but when I did ... gave me at least another year b) video - yup, upgraded that twice for games c) nothing that I do maxes out the CPU ... EVER ... so there has been zero need to upgrade the CPU .. yet ... d) hard drives!! yup, the easiest, cheapest, simplest changes to increase performance ... i) first upgrade - new HD drives, in raid 0 - awesome ii) next - wohoo - my first SSD - shit they cost a lot, but sweet my boot times and loads times are INSANELY FAST!@#@#@# iii) new SSD - bigger, faster, cheaper - wohooo like a new PC again ... iv) latest upgrade was .... an order of magnitude in speed, NVme drives running off the PCIe bus are 2 to 10x faster depending on which benchmark ... WOHOOO might as well be in ram e) monitors ... were stable for a bit, then 2k then one 4k and one 2k. upgrade them the least often f) keyboard ... do you REALLY WANT TO KNOW? my keyboard is .... probably ... 15 years old now ... orignal MS natural key board ... my wrists love me and all the replacements are missing 2-10 things that I want in a keyboard ... LOL g) mice? sigh ... had to upgrade to the next gen because the last one died ... miss my big thumb buttons but FOR SIZE. I do all my work WORK on a work server, so whatever. I always need more memory, more disk and more cpu, and ... well ... now that it is a MANAGED SERVER I am always screwed ... LOL 8 cores, 20TB and 100gb and it is never enough ... HAHA HAHAHA but to be fair, I "NEED" about 2000TB of memory to do the things that I wish I could, so I have to code work around instead ... hahahahhahaha hahahaha hahahahah ok I need a nap now ...

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