Saturday, March 12, 2016

This is not Godwin. This is a fascist movement.

Carol:  Even if it is correct, you can’t do this because Godwin. Seriously, folks.

That's not what Godwin's Law was about. Godwin's Law is about the degeneration of a conversation in hyperbole, esp calling people that you disagree with Nazis. (AKA Godwin'ing a conversation)

Comparing all GOP to Hitler is hyperbole. Not all GOP are Brownshirts. Not all GOP leaders are Hitler.  But Trump and his Brown Shits? We have gone past hyperbole into direct and verifiable comparisons, both of actions and political positions.

Trump is directly advocating exactly the same behaviors of Hitler, this makes for a fair comparison. Early and Middle Hitler. Hate for others. Trump wants a database of Muslims? The modern day equivalent of Jews and Homosexuals being required to wear patches.

Trump's followers? Well they have begun to openly enact the behaviors of the brown shirts.
Actively attacking "brown terrorists", throwing suckerr punches, "security" attacking protesters and having them illegally arrested.

This is not Godwin. This is a fascist movement.

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