Saturday, March 12, 2016

The loss of white "privilege"

The people losing priv are the white majority.
Pretty certain (could be wrong), that President Obama was the first president to be elected without winning the majority of the white vote.
Clinton has a plurality in 1992 42%
clinton 1996 had 44% to dole's 46%
Obama 2008 had 43%
Obama 2012 had 39%

The white gop continues to lose their "privilege" of picking the president. With luck and work in 2016, this trend will continue. The current white majority losing their "control" over the presidency is clearly making quite a few of them (read GOP) loser their minds.

It was wonderful to see that the people protesting at the Trump rally were all colors, races, genders, religions, choices, . Those diverse groups are clearly working together for a progressive future. Taking privilege away from those that want "KEEP MERICA WHITE".

I can not be prouder of my city or my alma matters.

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