Sunday, March 13, 2016


some ... ignorant fool pushed that button again
And there is nothing wrong with ignorance, an ignorant person can be educated.

Housing First - gets the poor off the street and saves the taxpayers money
Food Stamps - lets the poor feed their starving children
Minimum Wage - used to help the poor buy their own food and pay their own way (hasnt been adjusted for inflation in a long time)
Medicaid - lets the poor be healthy enough that they can work

Things are all programs that are supported by the dems, hated by the gops, paid for by you and me.

Do you really wonder why poor people stay faithful to the dems? Give a starving child a meal and you have them for life.

Take a look at the MATH behind Housing First, and then comeback with what's "wrong" with it?

/unless you are seriously ok with letting poor children starve. then just dont bother - BLOCK is fine by me

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