Saturday, April 26, 2014

The new GOP health care plan is AWESOME!

The GOP has not officially released their health care plan, but we have been able to figure out some of the details by listening to their complaints about Obamacare.

1) Your rates can never go up.  You will pay the same or less than what you are currently paying.
2) You never have to change doctors, in fact, doctors will be required to take you as a patient.
3) You can never be dropped or denied for pre-existing conditions.
4) Birth control is covered for free.
5) All doctors will be in all networks

6) The government website with details about this plan will be available 24 x 7 x 365. It will work flawlessly on day one and never be slow, no matter how many people try to use it at one time.
7) Insurance companies will be banned from ever dropping a plan.
8) Only 8 million people signed up for Obamacare, the GOP plan would have many many more people covered.
9) Some number of people lost their coverage, that will be undone with GOPcare. They will get their old plans back, at the same premium.
10) All medicines will be covered, no matter what the cost.

No seriously.
We have been told, over and over, that these are the TERRIBLE things about Obamacare.

And the GOP keeps telling us that they will repeal Obamacare and replace it with something better.

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