Thursday, April 3, 2014

laws and theories

um - no .... science only has theories
sometimes those theories get disproven or modified or enhanced or completely rejected only to be accepted later (plate tectonics was laughed at originally,  but we have MEASURED the yearly movement, so we KNOW it)

the theory of gravity formulated by newton was good enough.
good enough for pretty much everything on earth ...

BUT something was wrong. Mercury's orbit didnt fit that theory.
The theory was WRONG.
Einstein fixed it. TADA
New theory of gravity.

laymen speak of the law of gravity ... esp when making fun of people who fell down or dropped something. but in the end ... no laws in science

ON THE FLIP SIDE, next time someone says that EVOLUTION is just a theory, SMACK THEM IN THE HEAD!

Evolution is a fact. We have seen it happen.
We have a THEORY to explain HOW it happens.

If the creationists were really smart (which they are not), they would argue that their theory of evolution is equally valid. That god sits in a corner tweaking genes and causing species to evolve.  THAT could be argued as a separate explanation of the observed facts.


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