Sunday, October 1, 2023

2023 YouTube Subscriptions


I mostly only like one channel per genre. 
As an example: Multiple wood working channels are really not interesting. 
Don’t bother recommending YOUR favorite channel unless it’s a different genre. 
Or infinitely better than my current fav. 


The Charismatic Voice - Opera singer deconstructing awesome rock songs

Rick Beato - some great top N lists


RealLifeLore - Modern, 21st century “history”

Knowing Better - great deep dives on mostly history but some psychology


Veritasium - consistently interesting. Science and maths. 

Dr Becky - Astrophysics 

PBS Eons - paleontology 
PBS space and time

3Blue1Brown - maths

How to ADHD - adhd 

NileRed nileblue 


Adam Savage Tested - Making stuff

SuperFastMatt - car projects

BlackTail Studios - epoxy-wood tables

Dainer Made - silly fun with pallets and old skate boards. not as good as blacktail

Other Things

More Things

Less Things

Last things

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