Tuesday, June 11, 2019


This is why there is no more blackberry phones. 
This is why apple BULLDOZERED all of the Newtons. 
This is why EVERYONE uses windows and office. (Deleted your moronic religious rant. You clearly didn’t read, nor comprehend the article. Welcome to timeout )
This is why your next phone will be the same ecosystem as your current. 
This is why some things take forever to change. 
This is why “paradigm shift” came into vogue, and why we should shoot marketers who overused it. 
This is why the us will never switch to metric. 
This is why the brits will always drive on the wrong side. 
This is why war is paradigm shift. 
This is why your minions got so upset when u bulldozed everything in SimCity. 
This is why India and China are poised to spring past the US. And the us wont see it coming. 
This is why half of us want this changes that seem to take forever.
This is why Future Shock breaks everything. 

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