Thursday, October 18, 2018

climate derp

um,but, um .... did you have a point?
a) you are correct, the source of the co2 and methane don't matter. their effect on the climate is the same, regardless of the source.
b) no question that urbanization (cement and cars) has greatly changed the climate of cities
c) 2nd law of thermo - AC equals more entropy in the system
d) no question that HOW and WHERE temperatures have been collected over the decades is an issue. (one person went so far as to recreate the OLD PAINT used to paint the weather stations, to get a better idea how the PAINT itself would change readings)
e) dont get me started on the location of the stations ... the "official" station in Chicago moved from downtown (NEAR the lake), to midway (sw) to ohare (nw) .... the data must be adjusted to deal with these changes (standard practice for pretty much every science ......)
f) 2 or 1 degree??? lol the global temp has already increased by 1 ... over the last 100 plus years .... accuracy?? meh, it is impossible to predict the exact number, over any period of time. the models predict. some models are better than others ... meh
g) NONE of this matters. It is way to late to prevent GCC. It is a done deal. It has accelerated beyond the moderate predictions. meh. Like everything else, these changes will hurt poor people. We (US, the world, everyone) will wait until bad things happen, reacting to the problems.
h) WHILE there might be questions in any one of the datasets ... the corpus is huge and clear.
1) the ocean has expanded/risen (more water from the melted ice and warmer water has a larger volume)
2) ocean is much more acidic
3) there are a million proxies that can be used in addition to temperature: plant and animal populations that vary with the climate .. etc etc etc
4) co2 is much higher
5) permafrost is melting, not refreeezing, and releasing huge amounts of methane etc etc

The Deniers was an interesting book in the early days of this debate. Interesting collection of articles from those collecting the data.

The Two Mile TimeMachine is even a better book, using the past to predict the future. THE Ice Cores show massive changes in the climate, in reaction to co2 changes.
The "interesting" part of those changes was the time scale: decades.

I guess that we will live long enough to see this take place.
2040 is a hop skip and a jump away

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