Sunday, June 17, 2018


Rikibeth Stein
that's a perfect analogy ...
Dog are Canis lupus, and cross fertile with all of the subspecies, which includes wolves. We call the varieties of dogs: breeds ... like varieties of tomatoes, breeds are sub subspecies and all cross-fertile.

Subspecies are defined as [[ In biological classification, the term subspecies refers to a unity of populations of a species living in a subdivision of the species’s global range and varies from other populations of the same species by morphological characteristics.]]

All humans are homo sapiens.
Morphological difference is that we LOOK different or have other differences. They arrive from geologically separate populations slightly diverging.
Homo sapiens have MANY of these differences:
two types of mutations for high altitude,
dry ear wax vs wet ear wax,
color of our skin.

In the end, the "debate" of the use of the word "race" or "breed" or "subspecies" is only an ISSUE for politics/racism and scientists.
Alas - there is no logic, just hate.

ZERO difference when it comes to fertility or species definition.

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