Friday, June 22, 2018

Changing Mythos

Seriously amazing book on ... what we know ... and when ... I wasnt expecting DEEP philosophy, but there it is.  

And .... they just depressed the crap out of me. 

The US is filled with two different groups, who adhere to two COMPLETELY different myths. 

One - Trumpian - demands that the work be more like Hammurabi - CLASSES - rulers, some middle (them), and slaves.
The Other - Nuevo American - where everyone is treated equally - and (like normal countries) there is enough for basic care for everyone.

These views are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE. No one has both views.  
And there is no method to change peoples' views.  You have to destroy their Mythos and the only method that we have for that is war. Destruction. 
We had to destroy the south to stop their slave mythos.
We had to destroy nazi germany.
We had to destroy imperial japan.
The Arab Spring tried to destroy one mythos. 

But dont pretend that YOUR "RATIONAL" mythos will magically replace theirs.  
It NEVER had ... EVER.

Look at the efforts that were required for the "simple" things like:
Women voting
Brown people voting
Brown people getting property loans
Same sex marriage 
Legalizing POT
FOOD for children.
School for children.

And dont think for a second that anything has CHANGED.
Trumpians are doing EVERYTHING that they can to undo ALL of these things.
They will not stop until they get everything that they want.

And the only way to stop this is to destroy their mythos.  Or overrun it with younger and non-white .... 

Strange .... they keep pushing for more restrictive voting rights. Use it or lose it???? WTF?!!!!

So yah ... stop with the facts and logic.
Work on the voter id/registration laws.
Work on getting the unregistered, REGISTERED.

Get them to ALL vote by mail!!!!!

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