Wednesday, November 8, 2017

What's the next

Things that we didnt "expect" to see in our lifetime:
A black president 
A female president (so damn close)
A Jewish president (lol he still thinks he could have won)
An open trans in federal office
Same sex marriage
Obamacare (wasnt universal health, but infinitely better than the past)

What will the next big thing be?
Universal Health? (Get enough states to pass their own, and ...)
Equal Rights (aka gender and preference protected like religion)
NPV (states can "eliminate" the electoral college) (google it)
Universal, Mandatory, Vote by Mail (no more fucking with the voters) (and screwing with the recounts)
ALL representatives to be AT-LARGE
Increase the number of reps to the proper proportionate number. (4,000 to 12,000 seats)

(Omg - get back to work)

Computers beating humans at chess and go. 

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