Friday, November 3, 2017


The REALLY FUNNY PART, as someone who has READ about AI (I Robot was the first book that I bought out of my own money) since DAY ONE.
As a scientist who has done some basic research on machine learning/AI/NN/etc/etc/etc, I have been AMUSED at the whole discussion.

FFrom the: machines will NEVER BE ABLE TO DO <THIS>!!
Every time that machines do <THIS>, they move the bar.

FFS: they had to make a NEW TERM, AGI - artificial Generalized Intelligence. 

Will a machine ever be exactly the same as a human?? Yawn.

Will machines ever CRUSH us at every thing that we do? Yup.
Chess and go? LOL
Poker? LOL
Visual recognition (started with reading addresses on envelopes, now faces and god knows what else)? Yup
hell look at manual vs automatic transmissions - early days human manual was always better. Now? Didnt Porsche stop making a manual trans???

Music, writing, "art" - "pure creation"
These are all that is really left.
Will we see THEM in our life time? Possibly/probably. (Vinge...)
Will it happen in the next 100 years? I would LONG-BET on that for sure.

OF COURSE, when they day comes, the English lit prof will say "I am an expert, therefore, I define LIT, so this is NOT LIT"

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