Friday, June 2, 2017

sun spots - literally my favorite charts

the top chart is a butterfly graph ...
showing the NUMBER of sunspots, along with latitude on the sun's surface.
Spots start higher and spin into the sun's equator before fading away.

the both is a bar chart of the NUMBER of sunspots.

point 1 - notice that there was LESS oh the left side? that was the END of the Little Ice age.
The sun was cooler. (more spots = hotter sun).

point 2 - notice that there was a HUGE increase in sun spots, when did global warming start? same time

point 3 - notice how small cycle 24 is?
scientists struggled to explain why global warming seemed to have "paused" during the first decade. sun was colder. duh.

point 4 - cycle 24 was tiny, and the prediction for 25 is as small or smaller.

point 5 - other proxies used to measure the same data during previous ace ages show that the sun was COLDER. duh.

point 6 -without global warming, it is possible that we would be sliding into the beginning of an ice age


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