Friday, February 24, 2017


you can analyze the topic in a variety of ways
1) net energy
2) net co2/green house gases
3) pure capitalism - aka money

HANDS DOWN, recycling any and all metals is a win-win-win. So we are not talking metals. period.

the rest, recycling is a loss, in every dimension

landfill?? rofl
that is a made up problem ...
(quick thought experiment for proof? why do states have laws making it illegal to use out of state dumps that are cheaper? they spent stupid amounts of cash on local expensive dumps, and dont want to lose the money)

the "cost" of both curbside, or personal drop off of plastics and papers exceed the savings.

collection or drop takes ENERGY .... more than what is saved over just using new ...

RE USING IS win win win win win
except that is out of favor ... BAH

Penn and Teller did a funny Bullshit episode on this topic.
And while they are comedians, and the show was for entertainment, the facts that they presented ARE FACTS!!!!

Watch the episode, it will lead to FACTS that you can research and debate.
And they started the episode kind of PISSED, they were PISSED that they had to burn one of their own sacred cows to the ground.

but go ahead and recycle if it makes you "FEEL GOOD"
shudder ...

FYI ... really funny FACT ... we are not running out of anything. zero.
Julian Simon has an AMAZING work called "the ultimate resource" (and a side work called the STATE OF HUMANITY)

Every single time that anything has become SCARCE, we have replaced it with something else that is more plentiful, or found NEW methods to extract even more.

Dont get me started on fraking. That is POLITICS.
Fucking Cheney loophole of death.
OK, and earthquakes are bad, but it is OK, so I am OK with it. ()ahahha()

pick oil - pick Huberts PEAK OIL (which I read cover to cover, GREAT SCIENCE NERD READ)
He ignored the "idea" that we would find/exploit new technology.

Do you know about the Paris Oil basin? or how much oil there is in siberia? We literally will never, ever run out of oil.

(there is DIFFERENT question, which is safety (deep water/BP cheated,lied and stole, bush let them, so they fucked up))

same for anything that you can name ...

YES, pollution is a problem, that we have SHOWN that we know how to deal with. trivially. EPA cleaned our water and air ... and they have been working to clean the ground.

Good thing trump will fix all of that. shudder .....

IN THE END, recycling is the perfect counter to the we are flexible, unlike the GOP. it is just one of "our" blind spots.

meh, at least until last nov, we were moving forward again, slowly.

look at the MASSIVE increase in solar and wind, at home and around the world ... blah blah blah
I need a nap

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