Tuesday, February 28, 2017

2017 02 28 - self deporting

I have been thinking about this for 24 hours now.
MY cleaning lady quit. She gave me 4 weeks notice.
(First, could she have been ANY MORE AWESOME???)

She told me why in her broken polish.
I called and talked to her daughter for 80 minutes to be sure things are ok, anything that I can do, etc.

She is old and sick and can not get health care in america.
She struggles to pay the bills, she is 60 and life is just too hard.
Her long term boyfriend of 17 years died suddenly.

She is going back home to Poland, where she will have access to great healthcare. Cheaper housing. A better life.

Her daughter and I rage about the "illegals" STEALING OUR JOBS? No ... no they are not ... they are stealing zero jobs.
(You dont think that it is zero? Would you take a below minimum wage job, back breaking labor, no vacation, no sick days, no insurance, no retirement, nothing - work or starve. Do you know any Americans who would take these jobs??)

IF every illegal selfie deported tomorrow, the US could collapse overnight.

And the deficits would rise (skyrocket?). Seriously, these people pay taxes and get nothing in return.

Giving her a nice retirement bonus.
(Seriously, you pay your cleaning lady vacation pay, right? Think about that for a second or two.)

Also gave her the name and number of a GOOD LAWYER.
God knows what will happen while she is self-deporting.

Time to given more money to ACLU and PPH.

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