Saturday, February 18, 2017


why did you make me go there?
jsut found some rant from some nutter being pedantic about fucking LABELS.

[[ consider why you believe that there are 'male' and 'female' ways of thinking in the first place, rather than just 'different ways of thinking.' ]]

yup ... you can make up whatever label you want ...
but in the world that I live ... there is male thinking and female thinking. which ... and this was the part that they missed completely ... didnt say ANYTHING about the person doing the thinking, or that people do BOTH KINDS of thinking.

until we have universally accepted labels, to represent those types of thinking, the rest of humanity is forced to use words that have the same "MEANING" to each other, so we can communicate.

the much more "interesting" part that this person missed ... is FFS, this is MY BRAIN. THIS IS HOW MY BRAIN WORKS.
Can I change HOW I think?? not really.
nanoseconds after seeing a "problem", I am suggesting solutions. The "I CAN FIX THIS" brain.

what I can do, is consciously STOP myself from saying those things out loud. but change the thoughts?

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