Wednesday, April 20, 2016

wow 101

0) recruit a friend 
aka talk to me first before buying ... hahaha

1) wowhead is yout friend has litterally all the answers - period
google your question with wowhead and that is your answer

details and guides

2) curse - get this

this is where all the addons are - the client makes it easier to use. get it, love it

3) Addons are your friends
a) spellflash
Makes things a bit easier - esp when you are a beginner

b) arkinventory
makes so many silly things easier and better and and and

c) dominos - all about the buttons and moving stuff
really nice addon to let you move most things on the screen ...
etc etc etc

d) skada - you will want it later, might as well get it now ... mhmmm

e) tomtom 
for questing and stuff ... less needed than before, but DAMN NICE still

4) stormrage - my server is the best ... everyone else is wrong
hahah no really
unless they are giving you gold and bags ... haha hhahaha

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