Sunday, April 10, 2016

2016 ballot access

I looked recently at 3rd party issues.,_20​1​6#Major_third_parties
1) the two major 3rd parties already have methods to select their candidates and pretty much would not accept Trump. In no universe would the Green Party take Trump. Never.
The Libertarians might, but probably not.

2) neither of the two major 3rd party candidates are even on the ballot in all 50 states.
The ballot process alone ... shudder.
Green only currently has access to 296 electoral votes. Libertarians have access to 332 electoral votes.
And the rest of the Parties
3) in the end, trump would want to be clear of any stench that an existing 3rd party already has, so he would just make his own, like what Ross Perot did.
4) It would be just as easy for Trump to get on the ballot as an independent as Ross did. Get your nutters out to organize the needed signatures, Trump can pay out of pocket for any and all expenses.

In theory, Trump would only need to get on enough major state ballots, if his goal was just to run as a spoiler. No way that Trump would do that, he would get on all 50 ballots (unless it is already too late, FARKING STATE BALLOT ACCESS laws suck major balls)

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