Tuesday, April 12, 2016

thought experiment on fractional votes

so what other interesting weights could we use?
young? yup - draft age would be 10x
retired? 1/10th
politician? zero ... vote doesnt count ...
police and other LEO, DAs ... 1/2? they get so many other perks
POC? 1.5x ? they have all been screwed over so many times ... little bit of pay back?

but can I add ... knowledge ?
evolution, climate change, knowing whether voter fraud is real or not - maybe pick the top 10 items that fox news is DEAD WRONG on ...  
just a small multiplier 1.1x

I have also (being an insane mathematician) , spent some time on HOW to get the rich to really WANT to pay their fair share of taxes.
Say bonus votes, in log10 space.
Pay a million in taxes - get 2 votes total
pay 10 mill, 3 votes
100, 4 votes
1 billion 5 votes
Small incremental, but only on taxes paid ....maybe they would be silly enough to PAY MORE TAXES ???

I really need a nap.

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