Monday, September 14, 2015

GOP 2017

bdub77: Repeal Obamacare
Declare war on Iran
Declare war on Cuba
Force Mexico to pay for wall and/or declare war on Mexico
Tax cuts for wealthy
Deregulate Wall Street
Defund EPA and Dept of Education
Time Warner Cable for Everyone Act of 2017
We Know What's Best for Women Act of 2017
Bring Back Slavery Act of 2017
Defend Washington DC from Massive Riots Act of 2017
The Barack Hussein Obama It's His Fault for Declaring Nuclear War on Civilians Act of 2018

sad but true ...
this list sort of outlines the GOP world ...
I would have included a couple of more internal changes:
War on the Gays
War on drugs part 2
Increase TSA for all travel, including trains, buses, cars and bicycles
Increased surveillance of citizens
Freedom from food stamps
Freedom from welfare
Freedom from healthcare

You guys are forgetting:

Make Christianity the official religion of the United States
Make English the official language of the United States

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