Saturday, September 12, 2015

biochemistry of love

phenylethylamine It is a stimulant, much like an amphetamine, that causes the release of norepinephrine and dopamine. This chemical is found when you are falling in love. It's responsible for the head-over-heels, elated part of love.

oxytocin - Dopamine triggers the release of oxytocin, which is sometimes called the 'cuddle hormone'. 
AKA the middle

endorphins - Your brain acquires a tolerance to the love stimulants and starts to release endorphins. The honeymoon is over, chemically, around 18 months to 4 years into a relationship. However, this isn't all bad. Endorphins are associated with feelings of attachment and comfort. Endorphins are like opiates. They calm anxiety, relieve pain and reduce stress.
AKA after the flame has burned out

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