Monday, September 22, 2014

gender change fluid vacuum

Didnt even notice that there was no gender.  While I assumed that Chris was male, there were ZERO clues.
Esp since you only interacted with Chris while Chris was in Chris' robot body ... which was sexless.

And there was no side romance storyline ... LOL

I have read a bunch of books recently that have been gender insane.
One had the main character unable to properly "guess" the gender of the person that they were talking to.
Which was a problem when it went back and forth, leaving you uncertain of anything.
That the main character was the physical embodiment of an AI, one of 100s of such, gender was irrelevant.

Looks like we are back to the days of sexual investigation of Heinlein.

Q: If you lived to be 1000 years old, and there was perfect gender change reconstruction, down to the DNA level, how long would it take for you to get BORED BORED BORED and change?
Hint: If you think that you would never change, you clearly have not been bored enough.

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