Saturday, October 4, 2014

grudge vs feud vs conflict

My family accused me holding a grudge.
Which was completely false and dismissive.

I had a conflict, I was able to resolve it only one way, by shunning the people involved.

I did not pretend that the conflict had been resolved.
I did not pretend that the conflict had gone away.
I did not pretend that the conflict is over.

But I was unable to resolve it and I was unable to live with it, so I moved on.
I no longer talk to those people.

For my family, it bothers them.
They have zero skills at conflict resolution.
So everything is resolved by waiting enough time and the pretending that it didnt happen.

It isnt a grudge.
It is a resolved conflict.
And that really bothers them.
I have learned a new skill and am happier for it.
They have not and still suffer.


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