Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Secrecy vs Privacy


Strangely enough, a lot of those SECRET things that people want to keep SECRET is illegal. That illegal income, that money they are hiding from their spouse, etc etc etc etc.

Or stranger, things that they are ashamed of, ashamed that their "friends" and community will find out the truth about them.

I am not sure that we can keep ANYTHING secret anymore.
(Not saying that we shouldn't try. Not saying that we should let the government spy on us.)
But, so much of what we do is just out there in the public. And the tech to track ALL of it is now trivial and dirt cheap.

Time to start thinking about what that data means, how we should use it and not use it.

Tracking Boston Marathon bombers down??
AWESOME use of the data.

Tracking down the never-ending lies of politicians?
AWESOME use of the data.

Worried that Target might target market me stuff that I might want to buy??
LOL - I refuse to lose any sleep over this.

Worried that your company might fire you because they find out that you are gay, or had an abortion?
WELL, NOW I have a problem. And, strangely enough, we have been moving to make those kind of things illegal for companies to do for a while.

Arizona tried to pass a law that would legalize this. It was shot down.
More and more BIG companies are fighting back against people using their "morals" as tools of HATE.

not losing any sleep over this


another AWESOME point of the death of secrecy ....
With no more secrets, it is MUCH harder for governments to commit the heinous that they have in the past.

And easier for us to find out when they did and trace who did what and when.

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