Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Ultimate Resource

If you read pretty much all of history from 1000AD to now, you will mind billions of people repeating this same story, over and over and over again.

Chicken Littles. The end is near.
We are running out of wood!!!   YAY COAL!!
We are running our of coal (only in england)!!!   YAY OIL!!!
We are running out of clean air and water!!! YAY EPA!
We are running out of oil! YAY fracking, photo, wind, nuclear.
We are getting hot and melting!!! YAY tbd

Seriously. Solutions are TBD.
The world tends to solve problems once they are BIG, even catastrophic.

Look at Haiti earthquake (and every earthquake in a poor country). We have ALWAYS KNOWN that the buildings in Haiti were POS that would fall down in a strong wind. We did nothing. We reacted after the event.

If the global ocean actually rises, we will build dikes and move and poor will suffer. Like always. But globally, we will do NOTHING to stop the increase in CO2. It would require us to NUKE China and India to remove all of their fossil power plants. Anything else will barely slow the change.

For an AWESOME READ on the topic from my only personal hero,
try The Ultimate Resource, Julian Simon.

THis book converted me from an ignorant cynic and pessimist to an informed optimist. WTF!!

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