Monday, August 23, 2010

inscription or the things I do to make a ton of gold - in 900 easy steps

this is what I do. you dont like it, you can always continue doing whatever you currently do to make gold.
you can replace inscription with enchanting or jewelcrafting.
same process holds for them as glyphs.
in the end, as long as the mats

in no particular order

INK - jessica sellers - ink trader

ATSW - use an addon to make glyphs

quick auction - for the love of god, you must use an addon to post glyphs

postal - you must have a mail addon to get canceled auctions

resetting prices - sometimes you have to reset the prices. use the BUY tab (think it is from quick auction, but could be from auctioneer). it lets you buy things in bulk, when they are posted in stacks of 1. ugh

two toons - one for crafting and mats, one for posting on the AH. two accounts can go even further.

know your competetion! save their names on your friends list. undercut them when they logoff.

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