Wednesday, August 4, 2010 (5532084) Conservatives outnumber liberals 2-1, yet the left's institutional stranglehold on society and insidious smears of the right with the failed leftist malignancies of fascism actually mean that many conservatives are too scared to speak out (5532084) Conservatives outnumber liberals 2-1, yet the left's institutional stranglehold on society and insidious smears of the right with the failed leftist malignancies of fascism actually mean that many conservatives are too scared to speak out

Msol: Are people unable to change their minds about things? Right and Left are not hard-coded into us, I think? God, why does this have to turn into some sort of conflict.. can't people form NEW opinions ever again?

/getting tired of this

some things are VERY deep set.
think about murder or farking a 5 year old.
no matter how much you think about this, your opinion will never change.

very rarely people become murders. but if you are a murderer, while you might stop, it isnt like your opinion on it has changed.

people tend to become more conservative over time.
when you are 20, who cares if you have health inssurance.
when you are 40 and have a wife and 3 kids, you damn well WANT inssurance of all kinds!!

religion gets strange
we are indoctrinated by our parents
we are TOLD this is the one true god/religion and all the rest are false.
as we get older, some people break away, some join different religions, some leave for a while, some get closer to their religion.

it becomes physically harder to change views as we get older.
pretty sure that there are studies ...

one of the most horrific traps are being brainwashed into NOT changing your view.
think about people who are raised to HATE gays and blacks and democrats/liberals (they want to tax us and take our guns!!)
or the people who recycle religiously, vegans and want to SAVE THE PLANET

the trap, is that in order to CHANGE your views on any of these things, you have to be able to say that you were WRONG. few people can do that about minor things. being able to do that about major things is VERY VERY VERY hard.

a person who is a VEGAN for moral reasons (eatting meat is murder) will rarely ever switch to eating meat. this would require them to say, FINE ok to murder these sheep and eat them.

it might be easier to change a view on something which has more of a science behind it. recycling is MANADORY versus recycling many things wastes huge amounts of energy. a person COULD be swayed to change their view.

but when your RELIGION says that gays and blacks are not even people, learning to be tolerant and changing your opinion can be almost impossible.

saddest part is that there are NUTS on both sides which think that they are not nuts.

and both extremes make life hard for the majority in the middle ...

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