Saturday, August 3, 2024


I didn’t proofread or edit check or anything this. Feel free to not tell me if you found something you didn’t like. 
You’re in PeteVille right now. 

I feel strongly about sharing medical stuff. 
Esp family history stuff. 


If you make ME feel bad about my great news, 

I will never forgive you that. 

Ask my mother how that worked out for her. 

Ask her twin, my sister Liz. 



I got issues. Getting a new therapist and gonna try and work on the triggers. 

The biggest one is PITY. 

IF you make me feel PITY, you will be out in the NO CONTACT PILE. 

This will make YOU feel bad. Me? I will feel better. 

NO CONTACT is a healthy thing. 

But I want to help!!

Cool. instead of thoughts and prayers, donate to Kamala Harris. Donate to voter registration groups in swings states. Donate time or money to get out the vote to elect the dems. 

Can’t do that? Unfriend and block me.

Thank You

Asking me if I need something will kill me. So don’t. 


You: congratulations!!

That’s it. 

I’m not looking for anything else. 

I don’t need help. 

I have all the help I need from my close circle of friends. 

You: but I want to do something to help. 

Ah, that’s YOUR problem. Fire your therapist and get a new one who can explain why. 

You: you’re being an asshole. 

Nope. Just putting YOU in the no contact list. 


So you want to make ME feel,bad because of YOUR fear? Fuck you.

You: me me me me me me me


I am no longer allowing people to make ME feel bad about MY choices. 

I’m fine. 

I’m healthy. 

I’m happy. 

IF YOU are looking for ME to help YOU in dealing with my great news, that’s not my job. 

Get a therapist. 

IF YOU have questions, guess what, try the fucking internet. 

If YOU are offended by me, well sucks to be you, fuck off. 

If YOU think I should act differently …


I’ve spent a few months thinking about this.

So YOU, feel free to FUCK OFF and spend a few months thinking about what I’ve written. Talk to the other people that I’m not speaking to. Maybe you can figure this out. 

Hey, print this out, give it to your shrink, ask them to explain BOUNDARIES. 

My news is amazing. 

What I will not accept is being treated differently by my news. 

Sure, everyone uses the shitty phatic phrases, “how are you doing?”

But mostly no one cares what the answer is. 

So if you ask, you’re gonna get both barrels for an hour. And it will make you feel bad. 

Ok that’s a bit dickish. But you asked. Why did you ask a question and not want the answer??

Nothing has changed in my life. 


So why is YOUR treatment of me, making me feel bad?

Aside …


I got issues. Getting a new therapist and gonna try and work on the triggers. 

The biggest one is PITY. 

IF you make me feel PITY, you will be out in the NO CONTACT PILE. 



You and almost everyone else live in fear. 

Fear is ignorance. 

So use the internets and educate yourself. 

Don’t ask ME to educate you on THIS topic. 

Also, LOLOL, assume that I know more on this topic than you do. 

So if you feel the need to give ME advice, well, unless you’ve walked in my shoes, you’re NOT going to like what happens. 

I have cancer. 

I literally have THE BEST CANCER. 

*stop reading, google THE BEST CANCER*

Did you figure out WHY some cancers are THE BEST CANCER?


Google some more. 

[[What is the 20 year survival rate for papillary thyroid cancer?

The 10-, 15-, and 20-year OS rates are 97, 95, and 90%, respectively.]]

The 20 year survival rate is 90%. 

I’m fine. I’ll die form something else. 

Thats it

Thyroid comes out 8/20. 


No chemo

No radiation


No it’s not staged. 


Thyroid cancer is staged after a definitive diagnosis has been made, typically following a combination of clinical evaluation, imaging studies, and biopsy results. The staging process usually occurs after:

1. **Biopsy Confirmation:** A fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNA) or surgical biopsy confirms the presence of cancer.

2. **Imaging Tests:** Imaging tests such as ultrasound, CT scans, MRI, and sometimes radioactive iodine scans help determine the extent of the disease.

3. **Surgery:** In some cases, staging is finalized after thyroid surgery (such as a thyroidectomy), when a pathologist examines the removed tissue to assess the cancer's characteristics and extent.

And funnier still, the treatment is identical for all stages. 

  1. remove thyroid gland
  2. Take a pill. (Ok, it’s a pill I have to go to the hospital for. And it comes in a lead container. But you googled and read up on it, right?)
  3. Scans to follow up. Etc. 

All the previous scans have I’d indicated, but not proven that it’s early. 

Probably stage 1. No lymph node involvement. 

So whatever. 

Welcome to life. 

I’m fine. 

I’m not worried. 

I’m actually excited and happy for many reasons. 



I GET that MY cancer is the good cancer. 

I GET that other people have the bad cancer or have died from it. 

My JOY does not change or insult your grief. 

It’s mine. 

Thank You All for getting this far.  

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