Wednesday, August 28, 2024

2024 08 28 - Wednesday. 8 days post op

I’m fine. Nothing to discuss. LITERALLY. 
(Feel free to google why this might be so.)

Scheduled FIRST endocrinologist visit in Early Oct.
Visit will address possible dosage change of Synthroid.
 (The goal is to be on the HYPER side of normal.)

Thyroglobulin (Tg) and Thyroglobulin Antibodies (TgAb)
These two things will be tested, forever. 
After removal of your thyroid, you will no longer be able to produce Tg. 
Tg has a half life of around 3 days. 
Tg SHOULD fall to close to zero in a athyrotic person. 
IF this doesn’t happen, it’s a marker for potential thyroid tissue remaining in my body. 
Anywhere. Including tiny tumors. 

If the levels don’t drop, I might have to take a magic pill. 
Complications are TgAb. They are antibodies, and take a lot longer to decrease. And screw with Tg measurements. 

That’s it. 
Nothing else. 

Next 1-2 weeks is rest and recuperation. 

Post surgery, my pain level never went above a 2-3. Aka, no pain. 

So no
I’m fine
No I don’t need help. 

But given the nature of stupid thyroid hormones, titration the dosage will take 3-30. MONTHS. 
So no, don’t ask. 

“But what stage is it?”
“What cancer stage is it??”
It’s not cancer. It’s papillary thyroid carcinoma.
“That’s cancer!”
“I know that they stage cancer!! I know everything.”
Feel free to play in traffic. 

There’s really nothing to talk about. 
Feel free to talk to ChatGPT or google with questions. 



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