Wednesday, March 13, 2019


wow this list is complete SHIT
1) pseudo ??? IS NOT ABUSED ... period NO ONE ABUSES it. EVER.
IT IS USED to make meth. a completely different problem.
WHICH was NOT SOLVED by rationing pseudo to normal people ...

2) strange ... you listed drugs that can build tolerances .. but you lied.
100% lies
A proper statistic on abuse ... how many people who are proscribed a drug, then abuse it??
no really ... what's the number on opiods? 5%? tops?
95% of the people who are proscribed opioids never finish.
strange ...

how do you define abuse?
one person? some people?

3) stranger still, you left out the BIGGEST ABUSED DRUGS!!!

strange ... how many death are caused by those 4?
versus ALL the rest combined?

Strange ... almost like we are focused on the WRONG PROBLEM ... I wonder wuhy ???

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