Saturday, March 30, 2019

julian simon and running out of resources

Sunil Sadanandan
so he asks ... are you familiar with Julian Simon?
a) he is the guy who won the "Simon–Ehrlich wager" proving that paul ehrlich is a low grade, cultish, moron.
2) wrote the ultimate resource and the state of humanity
(if you can FIND a copy, either is worth reading)

THE POINT is that if you ONLY focus on today, you can make any point. But the trends, like this book ... are generally in the right direction.

China and India over the last 50 years are perfect examples.

ONE of his essays .. I really need to find the title ... talks about "RUNNING OUT OF <insert any natural resource>"
He has data on every element that we mine: proven reserves vs yearly use. AKA - how many years that we have left.

AND THEN points out, that proven reserves INCREASE, and has a chart of how much of that element exists in the crust. AKA when reserves get LOW, we just work harder.

WE will never run out of anything. We wont survive long enough to even come close.

REally helped change my world view to more "optimistic".

Friday, March 29, 2019

first look zagg ipad pro 11 slim case thingy

Zagg finally released their keyboard for ipad pro 11"
My previous ipad/Zagg combo was AMAZING ....

IF you are looking ... I would wait for my full review.
Unless you are like me, go for it, replace it later when there is a better one ... hahah sigh
[[ Slim Book Go for the Apple 11-inch iPad Pro (US English) ]]

so far ... there have been a couple AMAZING AWESOME new features ... that ... really are AWESOME ...
but there are a couple of QUIRKS .... so ... maybe after a month I will love it ??

the .... worst/BEST quirk is the keyboard detaches ...
so HERE, I removed the keyboard, ate, put the keyboard back.
and ... sigh ... posting while in bed is AWESOME ...
you prop the ipad up and move the keyboard closer ...
type type type ...

BUT IT DETACHES ... so I need to get used to that being a THING ... and being OK WITH IT ... hahaha

THE BASE part, that props the pad up is ... pretty crazy nice.
INFINITELY adjustable ... VERY HEAVY duty and FIRM (wont break) .... so you get the angle that you want ...

but ... not sure that I am going to be happy long term with the ...
"CASE" aspect of it .... like I really would NOT WANT TO DROP IT

waiting for their other two versions to be released and will try them too maybe ...

Wednesday, March 13, 2019


wow this list is complete SHIT
1) pseudo ??? IS NOT ABUSED ... period NO ONE ABUSES it. EVER.
IT IS USED to make meth. a completely different problem.
WHICH was NOT SOLVED by rationing pseudo to normal people ...

2) strange ... you listed drugs that can build tolerances .. but you lied.
100% lies
A proper statistic on abuse ... how many people who are proscribed a drug, then abuse it??
no really ... what's the number on opiods? 5%? tops?
95% of the people who are proscribed opioids never finish.
strange ...

how do you define abuse?
one person? some people?

3) stranger still, you left out the BIGGEST ABUSED DRUGS!!!

strange ... how many death are caused by those 4?
versus ALL the rest combined?

Strange ... almost like we are focused on the WRONG PROBLEM ... I wonder wuhy ???