Saturday, February 23, 2019

moral dilemmas

I learned this a few years ago ...
HE was PERFECT for saving England in their time of need.
at all costs

War criminal is such an interesting phrase.
I WONDER if the geneva conventions have led to MORE deaths or less?

MIGHT saud arabia have controlled their radicals, KNOWING that a "9/11" would have left mecca and ryahd as glass parking lots?

Are teh conventions just the next in the line of "holy wars" "righteous wars" "line up in nice rows wars"?

but yah, no one is clean. no one is perfect. we all have shit in our pasts ...
and churchill was a great leader and a war criminal .... same for stalin and roosevlet ...
At what point can we really tell propaganda from ...

moral dilemmas will always exist
exigent circumstances are always judged by history ...
I crack up when people go on about hiroshima and nagasaki; but they ignroe dresden and tokyo; which killed MANY MORE

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