Thursday, February 7, 2019

legalize everything now

it's the TRAP
we should also ban all alcohol and tobacco and caffeine ...

I aggree with your assesment of the human side.

BUT the only way to end the corruption and black market is to delete ALL of the laws making it illegal.

There was a great ted talk on "THIS" related to prostituion.
ONE country in the world FIX the problem. New Zealand.
EVERY other country still has a blakc market and the crime annd the abuse of women. (didnt mean to change examples)

we want to:
END the black market
END the corruption
END the criminalization of abusers
AND TREAT the disease

we have over 100 years of GOOD DATA
Illegal = NEVER, EVER going to work
illegal = destruction of societies and countries
FFS, look at all of south and central america

US ILLEGAL has destroy most of the western hemisphere.
WE really need to stop that. NOW

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