Saturday, August 12, 2017

yes they are racist

by supporting his evil, they are evil. we dont WANT to assign evil to these people, but there it is.
the number of his voters, who would STILL VOTE FOR HIM ...

FFS, they vote for him
what did they vote FOR?
racism? yup
sexism? yup
sexual assault? yup
hate? yup

HOW are they NOT all racists?
It is convenient for us to pretend that they are not. so that we dont have to despise family and friends that voted for him.
it is the heart of white privilege that allows us to look away
I wont do it ... I wont abandon my friends and family that are being destroyed by these nazis and their "non-racist" sympathizers/
There is a reason that the french killed as many nazi sympathizers that they could after the war, they were just as guilty as the nazis.
(just like the "just following orders" prison guards)

is this a HARD TRUTH? yup
does this SUCK when it is a brother or sister? yup
is it the RIGHT thing to do? yup

it is how they came to power ... we looked away ... it is OUR fault ...
imagine if for the last 50 years, those siblings and parents were SHUNNED and/or chastised, instead of humored?

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