Friday, August 15, 2014

Open letter to mayor Rahm.

Open letter to mayor Rahm.
When will Chicago Police be required to wear a lapel cam at all times while on duty? The savings alone will pay for the cameras in one year.
1) police wont be required to testify in court, their lapel cam video will be entered into evidence and no testimony will be needed. allowing police to spend more time on the street
2) the reduction in civil lawsuits alone will greatly reduce lawsuits against the city, saving over 100 million a year.
3) it has been shown that the police AND the citizens behave better when they KNOW that they are on camera. everyone wins
please confirm that it is legal for chicago citizens to record anything and everything that they want when they are outside in public. INCLUDING cops doing their jobs, cops eating donuts, cops beating kids, cops rescuing kittens from trees.

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