Saturday, July 26, 2014

conflict resolution - day 1a

I have ZERO skill in this.
I can not diffuse a bad conflict without exploding.
I have very few role models.

Mike example
I never thanked you for teaching me a lesson when I was 50!!
More than once you have demonstrated BASIC CONFLICT RESOLUTION.

1) there was conflict  (usually pete being NUTTY about god knows what)
2) you got upset, but contained it for a period of time, esp until after you were no longer ANGRY/upset/whatever word workds here
3) your brought up the subject, in particular your issue with it, direct, without rage/anger
4) we talked - even if the issue was NOT resolved to your satisfaction, the issue was at least addressed in part.

I have ZERO SKILL at this. ZERO.
My family has ZERO SKILL AT THIS.
Most people that I know have ZERO SKILL at this.

What happens "normally" is:
2) not talking for months or years
3) pretending that it never happened
4) repeating over and over

you and frank have got me to start working on this!!

this is exactly why ashely, her mom, her dad and others havent spoken in years.
this is why I stopped talking to my mother, she was UNABLE to resolve ANYTHING, and we were always YELLING and SCREAMING ....
I am SO done with that.
Now to get better in practice ... HAHAHA

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