Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Drug usage by recent president

is pot even stigmatized anymore? hasnt EVERYONE tried it 10-20 times by now? ;-)

cracks me up that we got to live threw the dark ages of drugs in america
nixon: shoot the hippies
carter: you KNOW he gets stoned
reagan: WAR ON DRUGS toss everyone in jail
bush 1.0: gave arms to the contra and saddam - probably not
Clinton: didnt inhale (translation: DUH of course I got stoned)
bush 2.0: quit around 1992 ("As I understand it," he said in 1999, "the current FBI form asks the question, 'Did somebody use drugs within the last 7 years?' )
Obama: I did coke and pot. (whatever big deal)

It will be interesting to watch what happens in 2016.

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