rpm: Harbinger of the Doomed Rat: I'd say the breeders are contributing a f*ck of a lot more to society and our species than the child-free are.
Malthus is going to be right eventually. How soon do you want that to be?
Broken clock is right twice a day logic?
Malthus is going to be right eventually. How soon do you want that to be?
Broken clock is right twice a day logic?
1) checks and balances on populations in wild are obvious. too many critters for the existing food supply = population crash.
2) while humans are critters, humans also have the ability to do a couple of things that critters can not do:
a) restrict pregnancy
b) increase food supply
c) increase technology of food production
d) decrease the population (war, exterminations, carousel )
Strangely enough, we have seen no evidence that Malthus will ever be correct.
Every time that pressure has increased, people have risen to the challenge.
And population pressure has been decreasing long after Malthus predictions.
His predictions basically excluded the industrial revolution.
And population pressure has been decreasing long after Malthus predictions.
His predictions basically excluded the industrial revolution.
Paul Erhlich was wrong, not even close and should be ignored, not worshiped.
Better yet, we havent even come close to tapping out the theoretical maximum of food production.
1) High-rise farms
2) fission power plants for grow lights
3) fertilizer directly from the N2 in the air.
While greenies dont like fission, it is a trivial solution to the problem of needing more food.
Initially costly to build the power plants and factories, but not so much that it couldnt be done if needed.
This doesnt even required new technology. Existing technology could be used.
/yes, there are costs. but you could refine the uranium responsibly with regulation. you can clean the water from the factories and recycle it. etc etc etc
/yes, there are costs. but you could refine the uranium responsibly with regulation. you can clean the water from the factories and recycle it. etc etc etc
/the idea that the sky is falling has been around since 800,000BC. Why do these people assume that we have to use yesterdays technology to solve tomorrows problems?