Friday, May 5, 2023

May 5th 2023 - Ozempic - questions and answers

How do I get it? How do I get my doctor to prescribe this?
Ask them to write a prescription. Ask them to give you free samples.
If they don't offer the free samples before you ask, consider getting a new doctor.
If they won't prescribe or resist, consider firing them and refusing to pay for the session. Not kidding.
I am DONE with judgmental assholes and morons who want to be gatekeepers.

They will do their normal doctor thing: pros and cons, risks, etc etc etc.
That's their job. they are legally required to inform you.
But if they are morally against you getting a prescription, get a sane doctor.

But I heard ...
Fucking stop believing half the shit you read. and follow up before talking.
"short supply" - shocking, but a massive increase in prescriptions, created a temporary shortage. manufacturer increased production. welcome to reality.
"but diabetics" - so my health is less important? feel free to block me. today. and burn in hell
"but big pharma: - fuck off

But it's not covered by insurance.
So what? We live in a shithole country. fix it.
See my dosing recommendations for people who can't afford it.
There are MORE variants coming to market.
sooner or later, the FDA will approve for weight loss, which is preventive care.
Sooner or later the price will come down.
Sooner or later insurance will cover it.

What is YOUR life worth??

But is it safe??
Been around a while.

Dosing numbers aka how much does it cost. 
.25mg for 4mg pen

We started with the starter dosage,
First 2mg pen  
.25mg for 4 weeks. 
.50mg for 2 weeks
Second Pen
.50mg for 4 weeks

During consultation, dr talked about dosing, finding out what dosage is efficacious with minimal side effects. Given my insanely awesome progress, We are NOT going to increase dosage. I dont have that much to lose. It is not a race. My side effects are effectively non-existent. I do not want to fuck this up.

I bought one, 4mg pen, at about $1000 (oh god that so expensive. panic)
At .50mg dosage, that's 8 weeks.
I am looking into ordering from canada, which will lower the price even more.
FUCK, the bigger pen can ONLY be used for 1mg injections???

But I'm Poor
Yup, I'm lucky. Got it.
What should YOU do?
So get the free samples, stay with .25mg dosage.
Are you losing weight, eating less, feeling better? 
A .25mg dose, with a 4mg pen, is 16 weeks, almost 4 months.
that's $63 a week. $250 a month  a lot but.
This is my life. I am 60 soon. What am I saving the money for?
oh right, you have to buy extra needles available from amazon and cvs
dirt cheap
I was wrong, you cant split doses.

But I'm Poor
Yup, that sucks.
But a friend pointed out, you will be eating less. a LOT less.
I haven't eaten out for breakfast ONCE since starting this. I would NOT be able to finish the meal. wasting food and money.
A pizza that I would eat half for dinner and half for late night snack, is now serving for three meals.

What else can you cut out?
Take out coffee? mhmm
This is your LIFE! so maybe you have to skimp for a few months until you hit your target ...

My original target was 200. I had zero expectations that this would work so well.
My new target is 180, FINE maybe 190. but really, it's my brand new 38" levis that I have been saving for 20 fucking years for when I lose weight. OLOLOLO

You will have to drink less. Suck it up.
You will NOT be able to go to bed right after eating. think 3-4 hours.
You will NOT be able to snack before bed. UM, good.

GLP-1 is naturally produced hormone.
I hypothesize that my body is not producing enough while I eat, keeping me eating longer and eating more. You body naturally 
[[ Endogenous GLP-1 is rapidly degraded primarily by dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4), as well as neutral endopeptidase 24.11 (NEP 24.11) and renal clearance, resulting in a half-life of approximately 2 minutes. Consequently, only 10–15 % of GLP-1 reaches circulation intact, leading to fasting plasma levels of only 0–15 pmol/L. To overcome this, GLP-1 receptor agonists and DPP-4 inhibitors have been developed to increase GLP-1 activity. As opposed to common treatment agents such as insulin and sulphonylurea, GLP-1-based treatment has been associated with weight loss and a lower risk of hypoglycemia, two important considerations for patients with type 2 diabetes. ]]
So if i'm not producing enough, I eat more.

Ozempic has a MUCH longer half-life, hence the once a week injection.
And now my body has MORE than enough GLP-1, preventing me from eating. TADA!! 

I feel normal. Like when I was in college. It is amazing.

What are you going to do when you reach your target?
When I reach my target, with approval from my doctor, we will reduce my dosage to .25mg.
for 4-8 weeks.
If I immediately start gaining weight again, we will evaluate going back to .50mg
IF my weight is static, we will wean me off?
IF I start gaining weight again, TADA, back to .25mg.
"but pete, drugs are bad" 
feel free to take a flying leap at that donut. I got no time for your insanity.

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