lost 10+ pounds in two months
Down a full belt notch, aka 1" (3.97 meters)
My t-shirts are now tent-like and will have to find the box of smaller shirts. LOL and smaller jeans.
My belly has noticeably shrunk, I can now see my feet again without effort.
And weighing myself is always a SHOCK!@!
The Goal
Early next year I turn 60. I've been retired for a bit and working on Pete 2.0
So far, so good.
The Start - Annual Physical
On or about March 4, 2023, I had my annual physical.
At the end, I brought up wanting to get off my blood pressure meds because of various side effects. My dr brought up weight loss and Ozempic. And by brought up, I mean, went on and on and on and on.
So I dove in head first, got two sample pens and a prescription. Took my first weekly shot when I got home.
The beginning - .25mg
Four weeks, once weekly, .25mg
injection pain? LOL zero pain. I did circle the injection site with a pen, and noticed a TINY bruise at the site. what ever.
side effects? zip. nada
It's a appetite suppressant, it works be delaying the emptying of your stomach. If you're full, you wont eat. I was already never hungry because of my keto diet, now, it's even less so.
I quickly started eating less often, only 1-2 times a day, and MUCH smaller meals, which is crazy talk.
The Middle - .50mg
After 4 injections of .25mg, dosage increased to .5mg.
Weight loss continued.
I did notice that my GERD returned infrequently.
I chocked this up to eating right before bed.
Given that this appears to be related to WHEN I am eating, rather than anything else, I'm not planning on stopping the drug.
I have been drinking a LOT less, a) they recommend drinking less while taking Ozempic, now that I have 10 weeks experience, going to keep drinking less. whatever
What's Next - to 1.0mg or to not 1.0mg
Given that I am paying out of pocket for this and it is expensive ...
Given that 0.50mg is working so well, I believe that I am going to stick with this dosage until I hit my target weight. Given the currently acceptable side-effects, I'm worried that upping the dosage might only create more problem.
I am going to look into ordering from Canada, my doctor mentioned this, blah blah blah
The End - After I reach my target weight
It has been SO LONG since I have been at my target weight. The last time that I weighed 90 kilos (14,2 stones) was during my Korean engagement trip, where I walked just over 9001 trillion miles and climbed 307 mountains. SO YAY for finally doing something to fix this.
But once I reach my target of 200lbs ... then what?
a) increase the target to 180lbs ??!!
b) decrease the dosage back to 0.25mg and see if I maintain the weight?
Ease of Filling Prescription
Doctor electronically filed script, I picked it up later that day.
What about YOU?
If you're not fat, good for you, you won the health lottery.
If you think being fat is a moral failing, please, post that in the comments!!
If you believe your diet is the best, feel free to post that in the comment. Everyone loves when you do that.
BUT IF you're fat and curious, send me a private message or call.
I love going on and on and on.
my thoughts on its working
GLP-1 is naturally produced after you eat, it makes you feel "full".
My thought is that like everyone in the universe, there is no such thing as "normal" person.
IF my body wasnt producing enough of GLP-1 or was not processing it correctly or or or or that would explain why increasing the amount of a similar hormone would have such amazing results.
yup, its not covered by insurance. costs a bit.
ordering from canada will reduce that cost.
What is your health worth to you?
What is your life worth?
stupid questions that bad people ask:
"Isnt this taking medication from diabetics?"
No, there was a SPIKE in prescriptions and the manufacture quickly increased production.
"But you're stealing a life saving drug from people who need it!!"
No, it's not a life saving drug.
"But we live in a shithole country that ...."
Why yes, we do. What's your point?
"What about the aderall shortage???"
Please stop watching the news. there is no such thing. I got mine filled after a whole 24 wait.
"BUT insurance doesnt covere ozempic!!"
and?? what part of shithole country is confusing??
"you should jsut do what I do ..."
thank you for being an asshole, now youre blocked, enjoy your shit life