Wednesday, November 14, 2018

con vs prog

SO I got INTO it with a friend (liberal) about "not all conservatives"

AND .... what does that mean.
WHAT does a sane conservative stand for??
Small government? GOP have been small gov since NIXON
no healthcare, food, housing, education for the poors/poc?
HOW is that a "good" thing or conservative?

all that I could think of was ...
conservatives want to tell everyone ELSE how to act:
who they can marry, who they can fuck, lock up pot smokers, GOPCHRISTIAN (tm) good, everyone else evil
pollute !! no regulations
(hey, rememeber when that fertilizer factory in texas exploded?? strange ... they wanted socialism to come put out the fires and rescue the injured and dead)

while liberal want to let people live their lives.
(as long as LIVING your life doesnt include fucking over everyone else)

dont get me started on the death penalty and abortion
(dig up the history on abortion and fundies. it was a NON-issue for them, until someone decided that they could get fundie votes by making it an issue)

IS IT ....
Conservative = me me me
Progressive = everyone

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