Thursday, April 27, 2017

always been there

(not picking on you ... it is on ALL OF US)

it's always been there ....
only with the advent of video phones, have people been recording it ....

the police abuse captured on phones?
it is not new
the abused have been complaining since lincoln ... since reconstruction ... since the lynchings ... since the civil rights murders

did you notice that close to ZERO lynch mobs were ever charged, convicted or sentenced

those same cops and prosecutors never went away
they had kids doing the same things

look at the torture in chicago
the victims complained for DECADES ... but the cops would never do THAT ... mhmm

we let THEM lock million of black men up in concentration camps
we let THEM gun down thousands of innocent citizens in the streets

until EVERY COP is tried for murder (let the jury sort out the facts)
until EVERY police department is control by ACTUAL citizens ... not the current bullshit ... this will never end ....

shudder ...

and NOW the Nazis are training and arming ...
think about that for a second
and if you DOUBT that ... you are not paying attention ... which is ON US ....

these bigots that voted for trump are not new ... not at all

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