Monday, January 30, 2017

2017 b day

My yearly-ish shout out to the new peeps, with a view back to the past.

There have a been a TON of new people who made 2016 ... less insane, less a nightmare, less THE END, that it could have been.

And you are all friends of a small circle of my other friends.
And that is not a credit to me or them, but you.

And then there is the purely ONLINE ONLY connections.

Through Synthia, I met Eric, and she sold to Frank, and we were forced to be friends. (Such a chore)

BUT ...
The three of them introduced me to .... an insane number of people (wolfram? WHERE is your chart????)
People who are here everyday

HS - the dolphins started showing up and now their are a plethora of you ... I think Charles Tatum is to blame for bring the rest of you into focus.
Not a day goes by that I read something from Terry, and dont get me started on Ardelia's insanity. I found out that one of you lived in my DAMN BUILDING for 5-10 years ... that's on me .... I was there longer ... HAHAHA

I have been working the last few years to ACTIVELY HUNT DOWN (AND KILL) I mean reconnect with some of the missing circle from Circle Campus.
Culminating with seeing Echo and the Bunnymen with some long lost friends.

PURE online .... I met a large number of ..... NERD playing World of Warcraft ... and the true power is that a bunch of them have become true friends.

I picked up Abel at Great Lakes Training, to spend the best xmas ever. A sailor, away from family for the holidays. We had know each other for years, but met in real life, I learned about KNOTS, the lake, the ocean, history of naval warfare, how OLD PEOPLE are treated in boot camp ... ahahah haha

BUT most importantly ... standing in that museum, waiting to pick up family and friends on leave, I saw ... REAL AMERICA .... PEOPLE picking up their loved ones.
SERVICE .... service are all these amazing kids and oldsters, who are putting their lives into place ... to SERVE ....

To the amazing people that I have met on FB ... thank you ... there is literally no way that our paths could have crossed in any other way ...

Friends of a brother of a guy that I work with?
A crazy Mexican who owns a vinyl store in Mexico City (while making TUBE amps)

Seriously 10-30 percent of you are Canadian ??

North, South, Worldwide (seriously India-England-California?)

And the few extra special people .....

Thanks for all the well wishes ... but you made this a great year. Thanks again .

PS, if you think that you were left out, PM me .... and I will correct you ... HHAHAHA

IF there is a truer test of what we are ... who we are ... it is the number of cross connections that my friends from one place have connected with others.

Time to harness this pow

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